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Haberdashers' Crayford Academy

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Our Vision

At Haberdashers' Crayford Primary, we believe that by teaching children skills for life and exposing them to a wide range of enrichment opportunities, we are preparing them to be well-rounded, 21st century citizens. We aim to provide opportunities to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum but that develop character, resilience and motivation and encourage them to pursue their wider goals. We help to provide children with a rounded, culturally rich education through these activities.

Offering a wide range of enrichment activities enables children to develop character skills, their understanding and awareness of the world and different cultures. We actively teach and promote our six school values: respect, belonging, responsibility, honesty, resilience and collaboration; these values sit at the heart of everything we do. Furthermore, by prioritising teaching and learning of global perspectives, the children will learn to understand and take an active role in their community and wider society. We firmly believe that to enrich our pupils time at school, we need to provide memorable and unforgettable experiences, including opportunities which are normally out of reach to spark their interest and show them that possibilities are boundless. All of these enrichment activities are part of the Haberdashers’ advantage offer, as they help to prepare children for life beyond their schooling.


  • Weekly assemblies from outside visitors to discuss their careers and opportunities with the children
  • Learning is child-led and caters to children’s individual interests
  • Learning life skills – first aid days, cooking etc.
  • Discussions and learning about events from across the world
  • Opportunities to get involved in local community projects
  • A wide range of educational visits and visitors each year linked to class learning to enhance the curriculum promoted.
  • A wide range of enrichment opportunities – singing on a stage, holding an art exhibition etc.
  • Weekly specialist teaching in P.E and music.
  • After school clubs which enhance the curriculum offer