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Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) Vision

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Citizenship helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so, they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Pupils also find out about the main political and social institutions that effect their lives and their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of communities. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity, and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

We aim to give our pupils opportunities to:

  • take and share responsibility
  • feel positive about themselves
  • take part in discussions
  • make real choices and decisions
  • meet and talk to people
  • develop relationships through work and play
  • consider social and moral dilemmas
  • ask for help
  • find information and advice
  • prepare for change

We do this because we believe in the fundamental value of these experiences.

We aim to help pupils be:

  • confident
  • aware of their strengths and their weaknesses
  • successful, life-long learners, able to ask the right questions
  • knowledgeable, responsible, and compassionate citizens

 The Framework for PSHE

 The knowledge, skills and understanding is taught in four interrelated sections:

  1. Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of pupils' abilities
  2. Preparing to play an active role as citizens (Living in the Wider World)
  3. Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle (Health and Wellbeing)
  4. Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people (Relationships- RSE) 

PSHE/RSE Overview



Autumn: Relationships

Spring: Living in the wider world

Summer: Health and Wellbeing


Families and Friendships

Safe Relationships

Respecting Ourselves and Others

Belonging to a Community

Media Literacy and Digital Resilience

Money and Work

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

Keeping Safe

Growing and Changing


To identify themselves in

relation to their family and

care structures around


They know about

similarities and differences

between themselves and

others, and among



To talk about how they and others show feelings,

talk about their own and

others’ behaviour and its

consequences, and know

that some behaviour is



They show sensitivity to

others’ needs and feelings

and form positive

relationships with adults

and other children. They

adjust their behaviour to

different situations.


They know about

similarities and differences

between families,

communities and


To show care

and concern for living

things and the



To recognise that a range of technology is used in

places such as homes and


To select and use

technology for particular


To begin to use everyday

language related to

money. To show interest

in different occupations

and ways of life.

To know the importance of good health,

physical exercise and a

healthy diet.

To talk about ways

to keep safe within and

outside of school.

To be confident to try

new activities and say

why they like some

activities more than

others. They say when

they do or don’t need help.

Year 1

The different people in our families, and how families vary.

Roles of different

people; families; feeling cared for.

What a family is (including difference and diversity between families), and why families are important and special.

Forming friendships and

how kind or unkind

behaviours impact other



Recognising privacy;

staying safe; seeking


Identifying who our special people are and how they keep us safe.

Similarities and

differences between

people and how to

respect and celebrate




How behaviour

affects others; being

polite and respectful.

What rules are;

caring for others’

needs; looking after

the environment.



Using the internet

and digital devices;





Strengths and

interests; jobs in the






Keeping healthy;

food and exercise,

hygiene routines;

sun safety.

Our bodies and the amazing things they can do. Learning the correct names for different body parts.




How rules and age

restrictions help us;

keeping safe online.





Recognising what

makes them unique

and special; feelings;

managing when

things go wrong.

Growing from young to old and how we have changed since we were born.

Year 2

Making friends;

feeling lonely and

getting help.

Understanding what makes a happy friendship.

Managing secrets;

resisting pressure

and getting help;

recognising hurtful behaviour.

Exploring different strengths and abilities. Understanding and challenging stereotypes.

Recognising personal boundaries and safe/unsafe situations.



Recognising things

in common and

differences; playing

and working cooperatively; sharing



Belonging to a group; roles and

responsibilities; being the same and different in the


The different communities and groups we belong to and how we help and support one another within these.

The internet in

everyday life; online

content and information.




What money is;

needs and wants;

looking after money.






Why sleep is important; medicines

and keeping healthy;

keeping teeth

healthy; managing

feelings and asking

for help.

Safety in different

environments; risk

and safety at home;


Ways to stay healthy, including safe and unsafe use of household products and medicines.



Growing older;

naming body parts;

moving year group (KS2).

Exploring how our bodies and needs change as we grow older. Aspirations and goal setting.

Year 3

What makes a

family; features of family life.

Being a good friend and respecting personal space. Strategies for resilience.

Personal boundaries; safely responding to others; the

impact of hurtful


Different types of committed relationships and the basic characteristics of these.


Recognising respectful behaviour;

the importance of self-respect; courtesy and being polite.

Our responsibilities and ways we can care for others.

The value of rules

and laws; rights,

freedoms and responsibilities.

Respecting and valuing differences. Shared values of communities.

How the internet

is used; assessing

information online.

Different jobs and

skills; job stereotypes; setting

personal goals.


Health choices and

habits; what affects

feelings; expressing


Maintaining physical and mental wellbeing, through healthy eating, sleep and keeping clean.


Risks and hazards;

safety in the local

environment and

unfamiliar places.


Personal strengths

and achievements; managing and re-

framing setbacks.

Coping with feelings around the changes in our lives.


Year 4

Positive friendships,

including online.

Solving friendship difficulties. How to act if someone invades your privacy or personal boundaries.

Responding to

hurtful behaviour;

managing confidentiality; recognising

risks online.

The range of relationships we experience in our everyday lives. How to understand the differences between types of relationships we encounter.


Respecting differences and similarities; discussing difference sensitively.

Identity and diversity. Seeing different perspectives and not making judgements based on appearance.

What makes a community; shared responsibilities.

Rights and responsibilities within families and wider society, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

How data is shared

and used.

Making decisions

about money; using

and keeping money


Maintaining a balanced lifestyle; oral

hygiene and dental


Influences on our health and wellbeing, including friends, family and media, and awareness of how these can affect personal health choices.

Medicines and

household products;

drugs common to

everyday life.

How our bodies change as we enter puberty, including hygiene needs and menstruation. Physical and emotional changes in puberty; external

genitalia; personal

hygiene routines.


Year 5

Managing friend-

ships and peer


Physical contact and

feeling safe.

The characteristics of healthy, positive and committed relationships, and how these develop as people grow older.



Responding respect-

fully to a wide range

of people; recognising prejudice and


Identity and peer pressure off- and online.


Protecting the environment; compassion towards others.

How our care needs change and the effects of loneliness and isolation. Ways in which we can show care in the community.

How information

online is targeted;

different media

types, their role and


Celebrating strengths, setting goals and keeping ourselves safe online.


Identifying job interests and aspiration; what influences

career choices;

workplace stereotypes.

Healthy sleep

habits; sun safety;

medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies.

Our unique bodies and self-acceptance – valuing our bodies and minds; lifestyle habits (including alcohol, tobacco and drugs) and their effects on wellbeing.

Positive emotional health and wellbeing


Keeping safe in different situations,

including responding

in emergencies, first aid and FGM.


Personal identity; recognising individuality and different

qualities; mental


How puberty changes can affect our emotions and ways to manage this; questions about puberty and change.


Year 6

How relationships evolve as we grow, including when transitioning to secondary school. How to cope with a wider range of emotions.

Attraction to others;

romantic relation-

ships; civil partner-

ship and marriage.

Recognising and

managing pressure;

consent in different



Expressing opinions and respecting

other points of view,

including discussing

topical issues.

Identity and behaviour online and offline. Reflecting on how people feel when they don’t ‘fit in’

How we can take more responsibility for selfcare and who cares for us as we grow older, including at secondary school.

Valuing diversity;

challenging discrimination and stereo-


Evaluating media

sources; sharing

things online.

Influences and

attitudes to money;

money and financial


What affects mental

health and ways

to take care of it;

managing change,

loss and bereavement; managing

time online.

Being the healthiest me: ongoing self-care of bodies and minds, including ways to prevent and manage mental ill-health.

Keeping personal

information safe;

regulations and

choices; drug use

and the law; drug use and the media.

Human reproduction and birth, including different ways to start a family.

Ways to manage the increasing responsibilities and emotional effects of life changes.

Increasing independence and managing transition.



PSHE/RSE Progression Maps


year 1 pshe overview.pdf


year 2 pshe overview.pdf


year 3 pshe overview.pdf


year 4 pshe overview.pdf


year 5 pshe overview.pdf


year 6 pshe overview.pdf