Get Involved
What is the PA?
The Parents’ Association (PA) provides a structure through which the parents/guardians of the students attending the Academy can work together for the best possible education for their children.
We provide and assist in the provision of desirable aids to teaching and recreational equipment that isn’t otherwise provided in the budget. It is our aim to foster links and community spirit between parents, staff and the local community to help meet the needs of our students and families of the Academy. We encourage closer links between home and school through fundraising. All profits are used to provide additional benefits for pupils at Haberdashers' Crayford Primary. All parents/guardians of students attending Haberdashers' Crayford Primary are deemed members of the Association.
What is the PA Committee?
The Committee is a team of volunteers who are elected at the association's Annual General Meeting (AGM) to manage the association on behalf of the members.
There are two types of committee member, Officer and Ordinary member. Officers have specific roles such as Chair, Treasurer or Secretary. Ordinary Committee Members play a vital role working alongside and supporting the Officers. All committee members have equal voting rights, with the exception of the Chair, who has an additional casting vote, should this be needed. The Committee is a friendly and active group.
What do we do?
We meet regularly throughout the school year to discuss ways in which we can raise funds for the school and organise social events.
All profits are used to provide additional benefits for all pupils within the Academy. We have five formal meetings (including the AGM) each year. These meetings are held in the Secondary school and school representatives attend. We also hold Extra Meetings from time to time to discuss the finer details for up-coming events. These are normally held at one of the local public houses and are attended by those members specifically involved in the event.
What kind of help do we need?
We would love for you to get involved.
Why not come along to one of our meetings and get to know some new people. We would welcome you bringing new ideas for fundraising and social events. Help is always needed in setting up and running events. Help with refreshments at Parent Evenings, School Productions and Open Day. Maybe you have some contacts who might be happy to attend events and help us raise money for the school.
Or simply register with one of the following websites to donate as you shop:
** Please note that by using the links above to make purchases, Haberdashers' Crayford Primary would receive a nominal commission rate, which the PA would use towards facilities for the children. If you have any queries regarding the products and services of the companies above, please direct your enquiry to them.